Dell SonicWALL Capture, a cloud based service available with Dell SonicWALL firewalls, revolutionizes advanced threat detection and sandboxing with a multi-engine approach to stopping unknown and zero-day attacks at the gateway, and with automated remediation. Customers benefit from high security effectiveness, fast response times and reduced total cost of ownership.
Multi-engine advanced threat analysis —
SonicWall Capture Service extendsfirewall threat protection to detectand prevent zero-day attacks. Thefirewall inspects traffic, and detects and blocks intrusions and known malware.Suspicious files are sent to the SonicWallCapture cloud service for analysis.The multi-engine sandbox platform,which includes virtualized sandboxing,full system emulation and hypervisorlevel analysis technology, executessuspicious code and analyzes behavior,provides comprehensive visibilityto malicious activity while resistingevasion tactics and maximizing zero-daythreat detection.
Broad file type analysis —
The service supports analysis of a broad range offile sizes and types, including executableprograms (PE), DLL, PDFs, MS Officedocuments, archives, JAR and APK, plusmultiple operating systems includingWindows and Android. Administratorscan customize protection by selectingor excluding files to be sent to thecloud for analysis by file type, file size,sender, recipient or protocol. In addition,administrators can manually submit filesto the cloud service for analysis.
Blocks until verdict —
To prevent potentially malicious files from enteringthe network, files sent to the cloudservice for analysis can be held at the gateway until a verdict is determined.
Rapid deployment of remediation
signatures —
When a file is identifiedas malicious, a signature is immediatelyavailable to firewalls with SonicWallCapture subscriptions to prevent followon attacks. In addition, the malwareis submitted to the SonicWall ThreatIntelligence Team for further analysis andinclusion with threat information into theGateway Anti-Virus and IPS signaturedatabases. Additionally, it is sent to URL,IP and domain reputation databaseswithin 48 hours.